Minicourse «Interpolation in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces»
St. Petersburg State University and Euler International Mathematical Institute are happy to announce a new minicourse, headed by Nikolaos Chalmoukis (Universitá di Bologna). Lectures scheduled to Wednesdays and Fridays starting November 17, 17:30 pm (November 17, 19, 24, 26), 60 min each lecture. To attend the lectures, please join zoom channel: 443 726 1792 . Video records of the course are available here.

Course description
Please find the course description following the link.
[1] L. Carleson. On a class of meromorphic functions and its associated exceptional sets. Appelberg, 1950.
[2] L. Carleson. An interpolation problem for bounded analytic functions. Amer. J. Math., 80(4):921, oct 1958.
[3] R. Nevanlinna. Über beschränkte funktionen die in gegebenen punkten vorgeschriebene werte annehmen. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A, 13:1–71, 1919.
[4] R. Nevanlinna. Über berschränkte Funktionen. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A, 32(7), 1929.
[5] G. Pick. Über die beschränkungen analytischer funktionen, welche durch vorgegebene funktionswerte bewirkt werden. Math. Ann., 77(1):7–23, March 1915.
[6] H. S. Shapiro and A. L. Shields. On some interpolation problems for analytic functions. Amer. J. Math., 83(3):513–532, 1961.
Everyone is welcome!