The Euler International Mathematical Institute in St.Petersburg is seeking postdocs in all areas of Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science, Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. Applicants should send their applications to...
В Санкт-Петербургском международном математическом институте имени Леонарда Эйлера открыт конкурс на замещение вакантных исследовательских должностей для студентов СПбГУ (факультеты: математико-механический, физический, прикладной математки и процессов управления, математики и компьютерных наук)...
Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute (EIMI) in Saint Petersburg opens a call for programs 2021. We expect to host two such programs during the calendar year 2021. The selection criteria for accepting a proposal are its scientific strength and the degree...
The Euler International Mathematical Institute in St.Petersburg is seeking postdocs in all areas of Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science, Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. Applicants should send their applications to...