EIMI History
The Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute (EIMI) was founded in 1988 on the initiative of Ludvig Faddeev, the director of the Leningrad department of Steklov Mathematical Institute. The idea of founding the institute was accepted by the USSR Academy of Sciences and supported by UNESCO and international mathematical organizations. The main concept of the institute’s activities since its establishment was the development of international scientific cooperation and the creation of the essential conditions for collaborative research studies conducted by Russian and foreign scientists.

1990 - 2007
The first international conference was held at EIMI in the Leningrad Department of Mathematical Institute building (the PDMI RAS) in October 1990, and in 1992 the institute moved to its current building – the two-storey mansion of the Novinsky sisters, designed by Nikolay Lanceray and built in 1913-1914 on the Pesochnaya embankment. In 1995, the institute became a part of the PDMI RAS retaining its original name.
In 2007, in the course of the international congress, dedicated to the 300th birth anniversary of Leonhard Euler, the first and the only monument to Leonard Euler was opened in front of the institute’s building.

Directors of EIMI
Ludvig Faddeev, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was the director of EIMI from 1988 to 2017.
Since 2017, the director of the institute is Peter Zograf.

EIMI today
Every year EIMI organizes about 20 scientific events in the fields of mathematics and physics, including thematic programs, conferences, workshops and summer schools with participation of more than 600 Russian and foreign scientists. Events over the years were supported by many organizations and foundations, including the RAS, the Russian government, INTAS, “Dinastiya” foundation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Science Foundation, Chebyshev laboratory at SPbU, the Simons Foundation and others. EIMI is a member the ERCOM network, which brings together 27 leading research institutes in Europe and is a part of the European Mathematical Society.

Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute
In 2019, the development of EIMI reached a new level during the implementation of the “Nauka” national project, stimulating the establishment and development of world-class international mathematical centers in Russia. In St. Petersburg, such center was created on the basis of EIMI within the consortium of the PDMI RAS and St. Petersburg State University. Due to the establishment of the center, the range of events organized by the Institute has significantly expanded and was enhanced with long-term thematic scientific programs. Furthermore, it also became possible to involve in the ongoing research projects postdocs, graduate students and undergraduates.
EIMI History

The Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute (EIMI) was founded in 1988 on the initiative of Ludvig Faddeev, the director of the Leningrad department of Steklov Mathematical Institute. The idea of founding the institute was accepted by the USSR Academy of Sciences and supported by UNESCO and international mathematical organizations. The main concept of the institute’s activities since its establishment was the development of international scientific cooperation and the creation of the essential conditions for collaborative research studies conducted by Russian and foreign scientists.
1990 - 2007

In 2007, in the course of the international congress, dedicated to the 300th birth anniversary of Leonhard Euler, the first and the only monument to Leonard Euler was opened in front of the institute’s building.
Directors of EIMI
Ludvig Faddeev, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was the director of EIMI from 1988 to 2017.
Since 2017, the director of the institute is Peter Zograf.
EIMI today

Every year EIMI organizes about 20 scientific events in the fields of mathematics and physics, including thematic programs, conferences, workshops and summer schools with participation of more than 600 Russian and foreign scientists. Events over the years were supported by many organizations and foundations, including the RAS, the Russian government, INTAS, “Dinastiya” foundation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Science Foundation, Chebyshev laboratory at SPbU, the Simons Foundation and others. EIMI is a member the ERCOM network, which brings together 27 leading research institutes in Europe and is a part of the European Mathematical Society.
Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute

In 2019, the development of EIMI reached a new level during the implementation of the “Nauka” national project, stimulating the establishment and development of world-class international mathematical centers in Russia. In St. Petersburg, such center was created on the basis of EIMI within the consortium of the PDMI RAS and St. Petersburg State University. Due to the establishment of the center, the range of events organized by the Institute has significantly expanded and was enhanced with long-term thematic scientific programs. Furthermore, it also became possible to involve in the ongoing research projects postdocs, graduate students and undergraduates.